Contact Krukira Complementary Therapy. Welcome to the KruKira contact page, the nerve center of communication. As the late Bob Hoskins once said, “It’s good to talk”, it’s also good to write too.

If you are feeling shy or nervous in any way, please try to not to feel that way as this is the beginning of your holistic journey. This journey will unlock the doors to your well-being and bring out the best in you for your optimum health & vitality.

Tom can be contacted by any of the methods below at your convenience. Emails are replied to within 24 hours and should Tom not be available to take your phone call please leave a message and Tom will return your call as soon as he is available.

Contact KruKira Complementary Therapy

Tel: 01691 688911

Mobile: 07904 388675


Skype: Krukira70

Alternatively, use the contact form below.

Krukira Contact Form

6 + 3 =

Information required
  • Your name.
  • How did you hear about KruKira (Google, Bing, advertisement, friend etc).
  • Your contact details (Email, telephone etc).
  • Your age and date of birth (You need to be over 16 years of age to book an appointment).
  • If younger than 16 years of age, are you the parent or guardian.
  • When is it best for me to contact you by telephone (please specify a time that suits you).
  • Please advise three dates and times that you are available for your first appointment.
  • Please provide as much information as possible about any symptoms you may be experiencing.
  • Any other information that is relevant.